Environmental Security

Environmental Security is the preservation of the natural environment and the vital interests of people, the state, and society against negative internal and external influences, unfavorable development processes and trends, and threats to biodiversity, the long-term viability of ecosystems, human health, and the survival of the species. PPI has developed specific community empowerment programs for every region having conducted objective applied research on the challenges, needs and solutions for respective areas. These initiatives will be operationalized with a view of empowering communities towards contributing by engaging in sustainable utilization of natural resources.

Fig 04: Floods in Tana-River County


Source: PPI-Africa Strategic Communication                            

Effects of floods in Tan-River County:
Due to the reality of climate change, the region has been experiencing eratic weather patterns leading to exterme drought spells and extreme rain periods. PPI-Africa has formulated home made crisis preparedness products to avert such calamities during emergencies.

Fig 05: Drought in the HOA


Source: UNICEF